There shall be four (4) classes of membership in the Association, to be designated as Regular, Retired, Associate, and Honorary. The qualifications, rights, and privileges for each class of membership shall be:
Regular Membership
The regular members of the Association shall consist of state, county, municipal, and federal officials charged with enforcement of food, drug, cosmetic, device or product safety laws, ordinances or regulations, including but not limited to, the States of Illinois, Indiana, Minnesota, Michigan, North Dakota, Ohio, South Dakota, Wisconsin, and Canada. Members are entitled to vote on all pertinent issues, hold office, and to be a member of committees.
Retired Membership
Retired members shall be retired individuals who prior to retirement were officials of the departments or units charged with the enforcement of food, drug, cosmetic, device, or product safety laws, ordinances, or regulations, and the enforcement of such laws, ordinances, or regulations prior to retirement. Retired members can also include professional or scientific personnel employed by a college or university, a consumer, or retired individuals who prior to retirement were officers, employees, or authorized representatives of firms or industries regulated by food, drug, cosmetic, device or product and related consumer protection laws. Retired members may serve as advisors to committees with a vote and shall be entitled to hold office.
Associate Membership
Associate members are those individuals interested in promoting the objectives of the Association but not employed by a state, county, municipal, or federal agency. Associate members shall be officers, employees, or authorized representatives of firms or industries regulated by food, drug, cosmetic, device, or product safety and related consumer protection laws. Associate members can also include employees of an association, private laboratory staff and private consultants to food, drug, cosmetic, device, and consumer product or related industry. Associate members may serve on committees, and as committee chairs. Associate members are not entitled to hold office, except as section presidents, and are non-voting members.
Honorary Membership
Individuals eligible to hold an honorary membership shall have been regular members who are nominated by the Board of Directors and elected by the Association to this class of membership in recognition of their substantial contributions to the achievement of the objectives of the Association. Items that shall be considered in awarding an NCAFDO Honorary Membership are the leadership roles taken by the candidate in both NCAFDO and the national AFDO, as well as the contributions made by the candidate to the basic mission of consumer protection while serving as an officer in the enforcement of food, drug, cosmetic, device, or product safety laws. Honorary Members shall have all the rights and privileges of a regular member unless said Honorary Member becomes associated with a regulated industry, causing his rights and privileges to be limited to those of an associate member.
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